Category: Hanga | Create

GroovePizza music

This week in cybersmart we have been doing a summer holiday challenge today we have been making music on an app called GroovePizza. How you make music on it is by making some shapes or pattens and the beat sound.


This week we have been learning about scams and how scams are really bad because scams can lead into you ether lose money or even your personal information. Has something or someone ever tried to scam you?

Around the World

This week we had  been learning about google earth and have been traveling on google maps around 7 continents to find some places and then we have to talk about why we want to go there and also where it is in the world. Here is a link. Have you ever gone on google maps? Where did you go?

Notan Art

This week we’ve been learning about copyright and how to see if you have permision to use a piece of writing, image or video. We’ve also been doing some Japanese art called Notan art and this is what I’ve made.

Have you done this kind of art?

Do You Do Art?

A few weeks ago the whole school did Ag-Day. Our class (Kea) did a piece of art called “How Maui Slowed the Sun.” The instructions was to draw a sun and draw some koru under below half way and colour it in with watercolor pencils. after that we get a small brush and dip it in water then paint all over it. 

The hardest part was probably drawing the korus and the patterns.


What do you do for Ag-Day art? 


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